- Microsoft Office administrative skills (Sharepoint, Outlook, Teams, Word), including providing tech support
- Zoom recordings management
- Zoom tech support for events
- WordPress – website update, setting up categories and logins, training others, tech support to office staff
- Social media skills – including monitoring comments
- Statement from the Professional Community: art therapists, psychologists, etc. To create material for outreach
- Outreach coordinator (or a committee!)
- Video and audio recording and editing
- Financial Officer: Oversight and analysis of accounts and costs, reports, budgeting
- Newsletter: Writing articles, soliciting artwork and essays, proofing, editing
- Event registrations and communications
- Research what other 12-Step programs do and develop proposed policies for World Services (outreach, literature development, publishing and distribution, social media, services available to not-for-profits, translation, licensing, “fair use”, etc.)
- Legal liaison with the pro bono attorney
Please contact officemanager@artsanonymous.org for questions or to express interest.