Your commitment to A.R.T.S. and its work to carry the message to artists who still struggle is met with gratitude.

Ideally, 2-3 trusted servants fill each position, so as not to burden any one person too much.

All positions entail judgment, the willingness to learn and adapt, being prepared, anticipating what is next and taking direction without distraction. This ensures the smooth operation of the Conference sessions so that the group conscience process is supported and remains unified.

Security Person: This person has the requisite skills and experience to listen and help others who are having difficulty contributing in a positive manner to the Conference proceedings. A willingness to provide warnings, talk things over one-on-one, and use good judgment in determining whether a participant can continue to participate is needed.

Zoom Tech: Zoom Tech Skills include (but may not be limited to):

    1. Managing hosting and co-hosting roles
    2. Managing and messaging participants in the Waiting Room as necessary
    3. Ability to provide the zoom registration link or meeting invitation to attendees having difficulty joining
    4. Renaming and muting attendees as appropriate, including muting all
    5. Enable recordings, captioning, and assist those who want captions in their chosen language
    6. Having the timer app, knowing how to use it, using it as directed
    7. Copy and paste information into the chat if needed
    8. Screenshare as needed
    9. Provide technical support to whoever is screensharing
    10. Ability to remove someone as directed
    11. Staying in communication with the Conference Chair and others via WhatsApp and/or the chat

Scribe: During the World Service Conference, we go through motions together which are done using the Community Problem Solving Method form. This form is screenshared by the Scribe, so all notes and crafting it is in full view of everyone present. The Community Problem Solving Method form will already contain the Original Motion and the Final Motion ready to craft. The scribe also records the vote and minority opinion. The Scribe does not take minutes.

Required skills for a Scribe.

  • To be a efficient and accurate quick typist
  • To work under a reasonable amount of pressure


To express interest or find out more about any of these positions, email





Conference Chair:

The term for the Conference Chair position is three consecutive World Service Conferences. (as adopted by the 2024 World Service Conference in January 2025).

In Preparation for the World Service Conference:

  • Work in cooperation with the Board of Trustees, the World Service Office, and other committees as needed, such as the Conference Policy and Procedures Committee, the Motions and Topics Review Committee.
  • Facilitate and Co-ordinate meetings and actions of the Conference Service and Support Meetings, and any other meetings as may be required by the Conference
  • Coordinate the flow of proposed motions and the development of the Conference Agenda
  • Produce and present a quarterly Conference Chair report to the Board of Trustees detailing Conference preparation progress.  
  • Coordinate staffing for the World Service Conference; Scribes, Security, Technical. Provide training as needed.

At The A.R.T.S. World Service Conference:

  • Facilitate the World Service Conference and its agenda
  • Supporting Presenters of motions
  • Chair other events at the Conference, such as Committee Reports, Elections, Open Forum. 
  • Co-ordinate and support staff at the World Service Conference, Scribes, Security, Tech people.  

After The World Service Conference: 

  • Write the World Service Report in cooperation with the Conference Service and Support Committee and the World Service Office.  With special emphasis on the Motions, passed or failed. Accuracy crucial; every word of a passed motion needs to be exact.   
  • Take a well-earned break! 


Vice Chair of the Conference:

Proposed by the Conference Policy and Procedures Committee: The position of Vice Chair for the Conference is elected by the WSC for a one-year term and may be elected for no more than three subsequent one-year terms.

The Position Includes:

  • The Vice Chair is available for the meetings the Conference Chair attends or leads
  • There is the possibility of stepping into the role of the Conference Chair
  • The Vice Chair has the tie-breaking vote
  • The Vice Chair supports and assists the Conference Chair as needed
  • The Vice Chair functions as an alternate Conference Chair when necessary
  • The Vice Chair may not be a member of the A.R.T.S. Board of Trustees


Please email for questions or to express your interest.

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