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The Problem

We were unable to express our creativity in a satisfying way, yet we were unable to abandon our creative ambitions. The hallmark of our condition was avoidance. We invested ourselves in lifestyles incompatible with our artistic purpose. We have found that character defects are largely responsible for our difficulties as artists.


The Solution

We recognize a power greater than ourselves as the source of creativity. We realize that our creativity is not a burden but a gift to be shared. Since the results of our efforts are in the hands of a higher power, we no longer avoid, worry, or try to control our creativity. Neither do we judge it. We recognize the value of persistence and commitment to the often-difficult process of creativity. Confident and trusting in ourselves as artists, we grow spiritually, becoming effective stewards of our talents. As a result of our recovery, we are gentle with ourselves and offer loving support to our fellow artists.

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